miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

And bathed me with her ever-smile.

Contigo me pasa lo mismo que conmigo..
Cuando estoy solo o me veo reflejado
en los ojos de alguien más..
Un suspiro, una verdad
que me rodea como tiburón a su presa..
Y es que no eres de nadie..
Al final solo sopla el viento
levantando todo,
dejando una estela..
Llamada corriente por la gente corriente...
Que pena olvidarlo cuando me enganche a ti..
Mientras de vez en cuando me alcanza
ese cruel olor a cloro..

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

Why is it that you always come back to me?
You said with the electric light glowing as letters
reminded you of me...
I was standing there wishing you were mine again,
you just said goodbye.. our eyes departing in a damp night
we locals call winter though the temperature is high..

I still think about that night.. walking
like the cover of that freewheelin cd..
hands in my pockets..
but no girl wrapped around my arm...
Stepping on the streets of Madrid...
figuring out the way of the line...
and how they'll understand me...

Now people are saying that the sun will soon come out..
And inside my head.. I hear this hopefull voice that whispers:
Tomorrow... tomorrow
The sailor in me declares that:
It's only a day away..